Monday, March 18, 2013

Chapter 17: Watch Your Traffic Grow And Watch Your Site Start To Generate Sales and $!

As you will have gathered by now, using Google to market your website encompasses a broad scope of techniques. It not only refers to marketing on the Internet, but also involves marketing via wireless media and email.
Marketing your website on Google ties together all the technical and creative aspects of the Internet including development, design, sales and advertising. It also requires the presentation of media along numerous different steps of the consumer interaction cycle via search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM) and email marketing.
Once you start implementing the strategies outlined in this ebook, you will maximize the number of targeted prospects who see your website. The strategies in this ebook are the most effective ways of bringing eyeballs to your business from those who are searching particularly for the services and / or products you offer.
People like viewing websites which are simple to navigate and read. By getting your site optimised in the manner we have suggested, prospects will love their experience of your website and will be, therefore, much more likely to remain there for longer. Right from the start, your website will be constructed for maximum optimisation and your position on Google will be bolstered.
Through the good quality Google optimization methods we have discussed, you will dramatically increase your global profile for a very reasonable budget.
Our Google tactics will be effective over the long term. This will enable your site to enjoy higher rankings for long periods and help you to flourish and grow, without the substantial on-going advertising costs that normally get associated with visibility of this magnitude.
Google campaigns often require much less capital than normal marketing campaigns and frequently produce even greater results! A well constructed Google campaign will generate a bigger return on investment than any other type of advertising. This will help to boost your profits overall.
Once you start following our tips, you'll need to ensure that your site can manage the large influx of web traffic. If you're not sure about this, you ought to ask your internet hosting company about the dedicated servers and if you need one for all the huge amount of visitors you'll be expecting very soon.
The quality of the traffic is usually very good when you're getting it from Google. Of course, the quantity of web traffic increases as well, but you do not require a massive increase to witness an increase in conversion rates.
Part of this is just that prospects are discovering you from searches for particular key-words, so it is more targeted. But there is also the aspect of trust. Individuals trust Google, so once Google indicates to them that your website is the most relevant for what they are looking for, they become more likely to purchase (or at least subscribe to) whatever you are marketing.
The effect of Google marketing tactics, like those discussed in this ebook, on the advertising industry as a whole has been immense. In a short time, internet advertising has become an industry with a yearly value of tens of billions of dollars. Pricewaterhouse-Coopers stated that $16.9 billion was spent on Internet advertising in the U.S.A in 2006.
A well-executed Google campaign is, quite possibly, the most effective way of advertising your business online. I hope that this ebook benefits you and has provided you with an insight on why you should seriously consider actioning one, if you haven't already.

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