Monday, March 18, 2013

Chapter 15: Re-purpose Your Articles

When you start blogging or writing consistently, creating new content every single day, you'll have a good quantity of content. You don't want that great content to be lost forever, since it took time for you to write it. Why not revive it then, by reusing it in yet another way?
Here's the way you may start developing a video out of 1 of your articles or posts:
Begin by using a blog post or article
Say you wrote a 'how to' article on creating a bird house utilizing supplies you've got lying around your back-yard. In your article, you have an introduction that describes what you'll be teaching and exactly why, and a summary of things you will use to build the bird house.
The following main article describes the steps to try to build the home. We'll say you will find about 5 steps you talk about to construct the bird house. You finish your article by providing an overview about finding additional resources for bird house construction on the web.
And the final little piece of info is, obviously, your article's resource box including a hyperlink to the web page for the 'Build a much better Bird house by Bed time' e-book. You submit this short article to and now it's working to build traffic on your website.
EzineArticles actually provides stats, in your free account, that will indicate to you which of the articles you have submitted to them have been the most viewed. A good plan is to take your most successful article and turn it into a video. You have already tested this material for its' popularity, so you can be confident that presenting it in a different format will also be fruitful.
Then create an audio give-away
You could build an opt-in list of budding birdhouse builders by creating an opt-in page and handing out a good freebie. You re-purpose your article by recording your self reading the content.
To get this done, we recommend you utilize a course called Audacity. Audacity is really a free audio recording and editing computer software. You open Audacity and, perhaps, put in a catchy introduction explaining just why you're giving away this audio product.
Then, you just record your self reading through your article, ensuring to refer to your e-book when you finish. Now, this same article is functioning to build your list.
Then produce a You Tube video
To make use of all the traffic which You Tube gets, you then choose to produce a short video. To do this, you simply make a Power Point display by re-purposing the detail of the article once more. You produce the title slide then read your intro as well as, perhaps, showing some photographs of the required supplies.
After this, you add five more slides for each one of the five steps in your article and add the photographs you have taken to illustrate these steps. Lastly, you produce a closing slide together with your summary and details about your e-book.
You record all this using Camtasia and publish it on You Tube. Camtasia is really commercial screen recording computer software by TechSmith. You are able to subscribe to a one month free trial offer here:
Once more, this same article has driven traffic to the website from You Tube, in addition to increasing your You Tube subscribers and friend's list.

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